Cloversy LLC
Cloversy is a small business created to help other small businesses save time, save money, less stress and effort. Save time by turning a task or project over to someone who can do it faster. Save money by paying a set amount to do multiple tasks instead of having to hire different people. Less stress for you to worry about doing it all yourself or finding time to fit it into your schedule. Peace of mind that the work is high quality, will get done, and meets their needs.
Our Company offers a variety of services, from local to online business management and support to digital marketing. We can create and provide your business the relief it needs to make your life better. Cloversy is here to provide more value and solve problems.
Inspirational thinkers enjoy bringing new ideas and tangible products into being. I am outgoing, self-content and open, and thrive on creating a good social working environment. I enjoy people and seek harmony and roles with strong personal relating.
Can-Do Attitude, maintain (or regain) functionality and vitality despite trouble or setback. I effectively combine strength and adaptability, with a natural confidence and a positive outlook which allows me to view difficulty as opportunity and failure as growth.
I make time to listen, seek and discover new revelations about myself and others. Open to beauty, meaning and purpose, I look for ways to connect with what is “above and beyond” my limitations. My life is enriched by a strong measure of gratitude, humor, playfulness, and acceptance of what I can’t control. I can discover fresh and startling ideas, and am able to genuinely grapple with mystery and what is sacred in life.
Experience Growth
I love what I do! I get to work with so many wonderfully talented people, across the country. Distance is never a barrier with us. We can virtually help your business strive from anywhere.
“60% of people who start small businesses are between the ages of 40 and 60. This is based on the 2019 small business study by Guidant Financial which surveyed more than 2,700 small entrepreneurships in the US. Interestingly enough, 4% of entrepreneurs were actually over 70 years of age. Clearly, it’s never too late to start your own business.“
– (GuidantFinancial)
Personal Story
I understand the process of time management irrespective of content or the process of decision making regardless of the environment. Your business can move to the next level with my value and knowledge.
Highly organized person, front and center to care for your business need. I am able to resolve conflict, enhance brainstorming and creativity, while focusing on critical issues, listen to customer feedback and respond to queries in a timely manner. A fresh outlook filled with innovative ideas will add just the right spark to your thriving business. Let’s connect above and beyond your limitations.
value-added features
If there is a task I am unable to do, I will find you a highly skilled person. Resources at my finger tips to l help you save time and take off a lot of your stress and workload.
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Get in touch
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain
Get started with a free pave the way 20 minutes call-in with me today!