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“The secret to getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain

Get started with a free pave the way 20 minutes call-in with me today!

(480) 910-4111

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Address: Scottsdale, Arizona


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I established my online business, Cloversy LLC., after 20 years of working with professionals on an executive level, providing support in all areas of the business to be more productive in their day-to-day work. Now, in my current role as an online support specialist, I partner with entrepreneurs to manage and build their online businesses. My role in your company boils down to one simple thing: To free you up so that you can focus your time and energy on the things that only YOU can do in your business.

I provide three levels of online Business Support: 

“Starter” package is for those of you who have been in business for a while, are making steady income, and are ready to hand over routine tasks and monthly maintenance items such as maintaining your website, setting up auto-responder sequences and shopping cart, formatting and delivering your newsletter, audio editing,webinars, setting up advertisements, product creation for example. 

“Pro” package is ideal for successful business owners who are ready to bring someone on your team who can be more proactive and help manage systems and operations. You need more than a VA, you need someone who is plugged in! Services can include organized and strategic planning, traffic generation strategies, webinar hosting, program launches, CRM management, affiliate management, and more. 

Finally, for those who need an online business manager, I have a full service package,

“Platinum” in which I can expertly oversee all of your online business needs. Whether you need an online business manager (OBM) for operations management, team management, project management, or if you require a high-level internet marketing professional to handle your online marketing systems, I can contribute to the bottom line.

Great question! 

I work a little differently than most virtual providers in that I do not charge by the hour. There are many reasons for this; many of my clients have marketing calendars that are cyclical so one month they are heavy on the work while others not so much. So, being charged by the hour could mean that in one month you are breaking the bank. And if you are on a retainer plan with a virtual assistant, this may mean an overage on hours one month while the next month you take a vacation and lose hours – leaving you with a feeling that you just wasted your money. And I really don’t like it when my clients feel like they’ve wasted their money. 

For these reasons, and my own sanity because I do not like tracking my time when I could spend it helping my clients, I created packages that are based on the client’s profile and which you are paying for my expertise rather than by the hour. (I’ve always thought that paying someone for how long it took them to do a task was a little unfair, especially because I’m really fast!) This works for the client because they can budget without having to worry about what tasks are being done, how long it takes, where they are on their hours, etc.

  • No longer will you feel frustrated and overwhelmed at all the moving parts when it comes to marketing, product launches, website maintenance, webinars. 
  • You will stop being the “go to person” for your entire company. 
  • No more grunt work, like spending hours formatting your own eNewsletter.

    These are just a few of the benefits you’ll gain by working with me. Can you already feel the relief? 

I work with people just like you. You love your business and are really good at what you do but don’t want to do the daily / weekly / monthly tasks that just aren’t producing revenue. My ideal client is someone who has held on to their passion and or been in business at least 2-3 years, has a revenue-producing business model, works with their own business, and has more than enough work to delegate.

Though there are many aspects that all online support companies share, what makes me different is that you will be working with ME. Not a team or put in a queue where it takes days to get a response. You will get personal attention and quick turnaround. 

Finally, I do not work by the hour. I’ve found that business owners love the fact that they aren’t paying for my time or how long it takes me to do tasks. Plus, they aren’t hit with a giant invoice when they’ve had a heavy month or feel like they’ve wasted money if they didn’t use up their hours. It’s a win-win.

Please know I’m very selective in whom I work with and (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my services. Many times a business owner will hire me to run their business for them and I simply cannot do that — I can help manage your business, set up systems and processes to make things run smoother – but I can’t take over your business full time so that you can live on an island (I know, it’s my dream too 🙂 ). If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?

No problem at all! Sometimes it helps to get the ball rolling if I provide a list of items that you can delegate.

I like to make the process as simple as possible because I know small business owners are very busy. The first step is to read through this section fully in order to get a feel for what I do and if I am the best choice for what you need right now. 

Next, we schedule a 15-minute Pave the way call-in which will let us both see if we are a fit for each other. 

During this call we’ll go over about 5 questions that will help identify what is working in your business, what is not, and how I can help you. By the end of this call, we should both have enough information to determine whether working with me would be beneficial for your business. If you choose to work with me, and feel that my solutions are of benefit to you, we sign a retainer agreement and move forward in the process of on-boarding you as a client.

Yes, I encourage you to! You’ll find client testimonials sprinkled throughout my site at the bottom of the pages. See which ones resonate with you, either because the person is in your profession, industry, or perhaps you even know them.

Great – I love action takers! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me via my Contact Page and I’d be happy to answer. I can’t wait to see you partner with an online business professional to see your business grow and provide you with relief and am honored to be the one to help you. 

Ready? Let’s get going! Click here to schedule your 15-Minute Get Acquainted Call.


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