Dinosaur Presentation

Learn more about my visit to Ebeye’s Queen of Peace Elementary School… 


However, you roam, make it your own! On this special day of admiration, my thoughts take me back two years ago when I had the privilege of speaking in front of one of the best audiences I could ask for! While living and working in the Marshall Islands, the neighboring island of Ebeye’s Queen of Peace Elementary School welcomed me to spend the day with the adorable and smart kids to share #dinosaur and #dentalhygiene knowledge. 

The tiny first graders eagerly and oh so patiently listened while I read about dinosaurs and then allowed their creative minds to explore drawing dinosaurs and sharing with the class, #minimes #futureteachers!


Next up came the 5th and 6th graders. Wow, talk about all eyes on the speaker! Understanding what an impact this fun spin on learning about dinosaurs and the importance of dental hygiene had on these growing minds made it very easy to create and deliver a lively and informative presentation to these adorable kids.  

The Navy Seabees were on hand to help the aspiring first graders! There were also great helping hands from Kwajalein’s Dental clinic which donated toothbrushes for the kids. The school on Kwajalein provided several of the prehistoric dinosaurs for visual aids, as well as a friend was kind enough to share her fossilized dinosaur teeth and bones for the day.

Have an attitude of gratitude – you don’t have to do it all yourself, ask for help! 










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